Tuesday, December 30, 2008

How to fight the hang-over during the holidays

Girl Drinking Cocktail
Only one of three people never suffer from the most widespread disease of the holidays - the hang-over, scientists believe. For those not lucky to be among the minority, the British newspaper "Times" published tips on how to get rid of painful sensation after a long holiday around the table. "Firstly, the publication advises," it is best not to fight the hang-over but to avoid it. To this end, before to get to the cup with alcohol, eat well. And if you still abuse quantity hearty breakfast in the morning. For water missing - one of the main reasons for the bad feelings the next day, the Council throughout the night to use more liquid - the best water, avoiding drinks containing caffeine (eg coffee and black tea). "In the climax of the fun is not to use dark drink alcoholic beverages as brandy, rum and red wine. They contain so congeners - chemicals group of dioxins, which contribute to bad feeling in the morning, also recommended by the Times. Release of stress also that the best way to overcome insomnia is to sleep, because during sleep body most successfully deleted damage and restore normal operation of all bodies.

Diets and starving are not breaking cellulite

Anti Celluline
Those who try to get rid of cellulite using energy-restricted diets or starvation, made a big mistake. The result of such "measures" is contrary - a new body accumulate fat that are adding in the form of so-called - orange peel. The explanation is simple. Muscle and connective tissue can not grow without the receipt of sufficient quantity for building material - protein. And these tissues contribute to the balanced distribution of fat. In women of protein synthesis always less intensity of its synthesis of fat. Namely in the so-called "Unloading" days or during starvation this rift (between disintegration of protein synthesis and their) became bigger.
On the other hand, each diet is stress on the body because it also enhances the disintegration of the protein. Every stress with increased body responsible disposal of glucocorticoid in the blood - hormones that literally "eat" protein. All syndrome is known to win the eat with grief, which is unrealized in practice experience of the body by eating overweight to prevent muscle atrophy. Speaking briefly in starvation or stress fat adding chaotic start to grow and create the effect of "orange peel". Of course, no one can forbid us to spend time and money for the Anti-cellulite creams, belts and pants. This most often no damage, but positive emotions are good. But do not count in this way cellulite will disappear.
All these procedures and cosmetic products do not affect the main reason for the formation of cellulite - the shortage of albumen elastic connective tissue in the subcutaneous fat cellulose.
Then? What to do?
First - building material - protein should not be consumed as fuel. Muscles and the brain will seek to obtain this fuel. And we can give it to them or with food or body will take it from our muscle tissue thus contributing to indiscriminate growth of fat. In other words, incoming dietary amino acids in the blood should be directed to the production of connective protein. For this purpose can be observed two elementary Anti-cellulite "procedures" - to feed well and moreover - to sleep well. If you exclude these two destructive factors - hunger and stress will be able to gain the protein material needed to maintain the elasticity of subcutaneous fat cellulose

Thursday, December 18, 2008

How to make delicious foods healthy

Girl Pizza
Not what we eat and how determined the benefits and harm of food, according to nutritionists. Ice cream, pizza, hamburger ... thought they attract us, and we often buy them out of hand for the damage they cause to our body. But many known maxim that the most delicious food is usually the most harmful.
Some of the things that we all love to eat, although we consider harmful to our piece can help us ... To lose weight. Enough to keep some restrictions.

"Meat and bread - what could be more prejudicial" will claim supporters to the "light" food. But one, and others may be more nutritious. You just have to be selected the correct proportions. The best option for those who want to lose weight is consumed meat in the form of a surloin. Fillets are processed long, it is an excellent source of protein and therefore maintain a sense of fill very long time.
A new study by Australian scientists confirmed this opinion. Women who have observed a diet consisting only of meat and dairy products are losing weight much faster than those taking only fruits and vegetables.
But do not forget about proportions! If you have decided to lunch with hamburger - 100 g are fully adequate. This means that hamburger should not be greater than ... deck of cards.

Ice cream
Ice cream with high fat content, despite widespread opinion may be useful. A new study by Swedish researchers, showed that women who daily consume 100 g of whole cream, put less compared to others.
The secret perhaps lies in that greasy food is more stodgy. Many people adopt skimmed products, but in very large quantities, and it certainly helps to spread. At the same time a small portion of the product rich in fats, you may strengthen for a long time, so to become profitable by injury.

This product quite a long time was unjustly thrown out of many diets. But according to recent studies, eggs are 2 times better than sandwiches. By themselves they are not calorific (one egg contains about 100 calories) and the big content of protein in them helps to preserve a sense of fill. In addition, eggs contain aminoacids that are useful for the whole body, especially heart and nervous system.
Nutritionists advise often morning to have breakfast with eggs because they provide a reservoir of useful substances throughout the day. At lunch example can be used salad with eggs (it is advisable to consume only proteins that contain 4 times less calories than zheltatsite).
And again the most important - not abuse this product, especially if you eat out somewhere where you do not have ogranichavali in the amount of butter and oil.

Useful pizza dough must be made from light flour and stuffing would include a small amount of cheese, chicken and vegetables (broccoli, red peppers). This pizza will be processed long time and retains a sense of fill throughout the day.
If you buy a pizza, try to understand how you prepare. If it is in the high court, not in the traditional shallow, perhaps it adds a great amount of oil / butter, and this is contraindicated.

Is Separate feeding so healthy?

separate feeding
Traditional combinations of products - such as potato puree with milk, steak and pickles, have been declared by many the "terrible poison" rot directly into the stomach. All fanatics of separate feeding get decisive retaliation from physiology Rinad Minvaleev, candidate of biological sciences. He notes that in the acid environment of the stomach can only degrades protein and carbohydrates in the form of potato bread or just "rot" in it. This acid environment allows us sometimes to forget about the rules of hygiene and to eat an apple without it we washed, but lost in their bags. Such a relatively sterile environment is maintained in the duodenal and small intestine.
Multiplication of bacteria actually begin to take place in the colon.
In what the error of separate feeding?
To support its theory of separate meal Herbert Shelton was based on known facts in his time for separate processing of protein (in the acid environment of the stomach) and carbohydrates (in the alkaline environment of the small intestine). It turns out that "the American doctor forgot to duodenal, notes Minvaleev. Namely it is carried out simultaneous processing of protein (from the ferment of the pancreas trypsin), fat (liver juice, bile and lipase) and carbohydrates (from different amylase). No separate digestion does not exist in duodenal and fully crash the concept of the need for separate feeding to relieve indigestion. "Nature has care of everything - protein, carbohydrates and fats are processed simultaneously without a problem. Of course, this is not apply to individual intolerance "says the scientist, tsitaran of AMI-TASS.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

With the Potato diet you will lose 3 kg for a day

5 days are enough to lose 3 kg from your weight. The Potato diet is ideal option for spring cleansing of the body and rescue accumulated during the winter fat.
If boiled in 200 g contains only 140 calories.
Furthermore they are biological active are rich in substances that promote exchanges - fluorine, iodine, selenium and silicon.
Diet plan:
Breakfast: 1 slice of bread with margarine (40% fat) and garnish it with: 25 cheese, 30 g chicken ham, 50% skimmed curd. Eat 1 apple.
10 o'clock: 1 orange.
16 hours: 200 g yogurt (2.5% fat).
Liquids: Drink 2 l mineral water per day. Furthermore, can afford to 3 cups of black coffee or tea.

Why we are eating mandarins?

1. Due to fitonsides of their properties mandarins have antimicrobial action.
2. The Mandarins increased appetite and improved exchange processes.
3. Regular use of mandarin juice you saved from helmintite.
4. The Mandarin's juice is diet and health drink that is equally useful for children (even babies!) And adults.
5. In a high body temperature of the juice mandarins utolyava very well thirst.
6. The Mandarins used to treat asthma and bronchitis. They contain large amount amino acid (cinephrin), which is a healing tool against swelling. For cleansing the lungs of mucus every morning is recommended that drinks in glass mandarine juice.
7. The fruit juice and effective in dysentery.

Monday, December 8, 2008

How good is the fish?

sexy girl
Not let the title mislead you - information you to read, not just child's play. And if Dr. Seus was a sports dietician, it would have to rewrite your fish. Perhaps you've read a bit here and there for the incredible qualities of fish, especially fish oil. So, in these cold-blooded vertebrate scaly creature can be more than an excuse to sit in small lodchitsa with hook and six beers.
I know I condemn nutritionists who claim that their protein is a protein. Mixed rice and beans will provide the indispensable amino acids, just as good as the veal, milk and fish. Well, not only vegetable protein are much more nizshi compared with the animal, but even in the wild world of animal proteins are not all created equal.
For example, body composition is changed to better structure in older men when they are exposed to meat protein diet than when their food system is a milk-egg-vegetable base. Also vegetarian diet rich in soy protein and a small amount animal protein does not provide an adequate quantity of organic iron in men and women.
This leads to our main rivals in the protein world. Now is the time to say that the throne is free and everyone is sarevnovava protein for a top position as the key competitors are whey, caseinate, milk, beef, soybeans and fish.
Soybeans is always a person where the other proteins they need someone accidentally finds them and wishes. A survey of Japanese men revealed that with increasing intake of soy protein blood levels of total and free testosterone decreased. Not all studies reported such an effect, but what is the meaning to the risks? It is not considering to renew its membership in the RETA, would you recommend to the mobilization protein mainly from the real competitors for the serious title "best protein: whey, casein, milk, beef and fish.
Of the five challenger maybe fish protein is a true champion. Whey has a high anabolic effect, but little impact on lowering protein. A caseinate, known for his antikatabols marked effect has little effect on protein synthesis. Whey is probably the best source of protein after the workout, while caseinate is a protein such as at night. Since milk proteins, for the most part casein, will serve as milk casein.
Veal is a great source of protein and zinc and iron, but even the cleanest meat contains very fat. Veal is a good source of protein and as such should be taken regularly - but not as often as milk protein-based and certainly not as often as fish.

Strong food for your muscles

Muscles man
Time to get your muscles fast food. Like many others, and you have completed training muscles do not want to wait for their ration. Even if you are very smart and take your shake once you've finished training, the muscles will have to wait a while until more is decomposed protein and amino acids to become accessible to the muscles. Things started to look like order dinner in the restaurant full, with few staff, waiters slothful and slow cook. While waiting patiently these muscles tempting amino acids are serving, katabolnite hormones begin to partake of so difficult built muscle. To avoid this scenario, order food in advance. What that means. Very simple: Take about 20 g protein and 20 g carbohydrate about 30 minutes before practice or get ready amino acids at the end of your workout (the best option is to load both). Then amino acids can be utilized by the muscles right after practice at the time when starting the process of recovery and muscle will be kept of destruction. Keep muscle nourishing regularly after training by providing everything that will allow the muscles to grow.

Protein diet for a week

Should not be subjected to this diet in a long time to not get malnutrition of the body. For this short period, however, the results are fantastic and can not escaped and dissipation of the eye.
Breakfast: coffee or tea without sugar (substitute - saccharin); skimmed curd.
Lunch: Grilled meat, egg, a cup of yogurt.
Dinner: Chicken (veal) Grilled fish or grilled (maybe boiled), shredded raw vegetables, herbal tea without sugar.
If your diet seems difficult to implement or decide that you can strictly follow the menu, select your own food diet week. But remember that they must fully contain protein - meat (excluding pork), poultry, fish, eggs and skim milk products. The reason most diets to weaken recommended adoption of protein dig, is that any surplus of them removed from the body as it is not adapted to them as a reserve. It remains only the necessary amount.
If you hold a double effect of this diet, repeat it after you make a week vacation.