Tuesday, December 30, 2008

How to fight the hang-over during the holidays

Girl Drinking Cocktail
Only one of three people never suffer from the most widespread disease of the holidays - the hang-over, scientists believe. For those not lucky to be among the minority, the British newspaper "Times" published tips on how to get rid of painful sensation after a long holiday around the table. "Firstly, the publication advises," it is best not to fight the hang-over but to avoid it. To this end, before to get to the cup with alcohol, eat well. And if you still abuse quantity hearty breakfast in the morning. For water missing - one of the main reasons for the bad feelings the next day, the Council throughout the night to use more liquid - the best water, avoiding drinks containing caffeine (eg coffee and black tea). "In the climax of the fun is not to use dark drink alcoholic beverages as brandy, rum and red wine. They contain so congeners - chemicals group of dioxins, which contribute to bad feeling in the morning, also recommended by the Times. Release of stress also that the best way to overcome insomnia is to sleep, because during sleep body most successfully deleted damage and restore normal operation of all bodies.

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