Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Foods, which stimulate your brain

Experts constantly discovering new aspects of the interrelationship between food used human state of mental and physical health and his creative potential. It turns out that it can be a detailed list of products which help to increase mental abilities. However beneficial to the brain are useful for the heart. Scientists believe that the most useful are the northern cranberries (klyukva), which contains many antioxidants. As is known, free radicals, who are fighting antioxidants, are harmful to the heart and blood vessels, and also impair memory, and of support-motor aparat. After the northern cranberries in its utility rank well known cranberries, which have the same properties But the quantity of antioxidants in them is less. At the expense of what they contain substances that improve conditions of the eyes. On third place may be placed beet and green. The substances contained in them, destroy ferment, which in large quantities lead to development of Alzheimer's disease and to reduce cognitive functions. After row of vegetables coming in oily fish (salmon, sardines, herring), which includes avid fatty acids , Degradation harmful ferment. Studies show that once a week used a certain type of oily fish, significantly could reduce the likelihood of illness from Altshaymer.Na fifth place among the "smart products specialists put spinach. It was found that it slows the emergence of problems in the nervous system caused by aging, but also prevent the occurrence of violations in cognitive abilities.

Milk and walking are the best ways for losing weight

Girl Milk
Daily walking and the new milk diet are the most effective way to retrieve from overweight, claiming American nutritionists who emphasize that for 16 weeks one could fail to 6 kg is not limited by strict diets.
In their experiment enrolled 199 people with overweight - of both sexes and various ages. At 4 months for men and women are going every day at least 1 hour (more than 10 000 steps). They use only products rich in calcium: skimmed milk, curd and cheese yogurt.The learning showed that at the end of the experiment, each participant is diminished average of 6 kg. The scientists believe that weight loss comes from a great calcium in the body and regular exercise. "Not to be missed, and the fact that during walking body loses much liquid. So regardless of weather conditions before and during walking should be taken more water (two cups) to avoid dehydration. After walking must drinks another cup of water, advise experts cited by Reuters. "You must go to face arms and chest. Slightly tense muscles of the abdomen. Stepping first of the fifth, then the fingers and force throw of the front leg to the next step. To increase the tempo, do a quick extension without them. Hands to be in train elbows, you can move from the waist to the chest and back, they advise.

5 ways to "beat" the appetite

Girl Eating
Appetite depend on hormonal balance, which vary according to physiological and psychological factors. What is the first that comes to your mind if you want to lose weight? Of course, any diet. But it is really the most effective and appropriate manner ... I offer you 5 most popular and effective ways in which you literally lie to your appetite:

1. Products that reduce appetite
First, unexpectedly or not, are fresh products. But in limited quantity! To be delivered from the feeling of hunger, enough to eat a peach or 2 small pieces of chocolate. This assistance have skimmed milk, fruits, vegetables, chicken meat and fish, yogurt, green salad, cocoa, lemon juice and mineral water. The best way to deal with the attack of hunger is to drink a glass of skimmed milk.

2. Drink water before meals
Examine prior to eat 1 cup of mineral water or tomato juice. This will reduce by about 1 / 3 his appetite. Suitable for this purpose are green tea, apple juice and skimmed yogurt. Decline of alcohol - it increases the appetite.

3. Spices
They increased appetite and exacerbate the feeling of hunger, so it should be used in limited quantity. Black pepper, mustard, horseradish and salt are spices that most stomachic.

4. Small portions
Should eat less, but often. For example instead of 3 large meals, take meals 6 times, no less. This will allow the body always feels full.

5. Decline in snatch
Snack quickly turns into a habit and body be set before lunch or dinner to eat something. If you can not beat your appetite, eating between eat fruit or vegetables - a little celery, 1 carrot, 1 / 4 apple, 3 strawberries, 1 orange patch or 4 small tomatoes. All of them contain only 10 calories.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Salad of octopus - Healthy tip of Victoria Beckham

When it is not a strict diet Mrs Beckham likes to eat her favorite salad, which is not only delicious but healthy:
Salad of octopus
Products (for 6-8 portions): 1 large octopus, juice of 2 lemons, 800 g fresh, boiled potatoes, olive oil, 2 cucumbers, cut into circles, 7-8 the chopped garlic cloves, 3 tablespoons chopped fresh mint 1 ch.l. red pepper and other spices - optional.
Preparation: Sweep and clean octopus is boiling, drained and cut in large pieces, which before getting cold, oval in mixed spices, garlic, lemon and olive oil. Help in the appropriate cluster. Add potatoes and cucumbers.
Have a nice apetite, because this is not only healthy, but also very delicios. Who tells that healthy foods are only bad.

Lose 4 kg in 4 days with Victoria Beckham

Victoria Beckham
If you escaped from mild form and e want to regain it a short time, the Victoria Beckham offers its fantastic and fast acting diet to weaken. Diet promises to weigh 4 kg only 4 days. I personally think that this diet is more rigid than healthy, but everyone is entitled to an opinion. If you want try because Vicky is received, and that helps the "mortal" - to try!
There she and diet:

First day
The most stringent - only tea and mineral water.
Breakfast: a large cup of tea (herbal or fruit) with 2 tablespoons honey. Lunch is taken to unlimited tea and mineral water.
Lunch: 2 cups large green tea with 1 tablespoon honey.
Dinner: 1 large cup of tea or hip hop with 1 tablespoon Copper

Second day
Basic food - rice. 1 cup (125 g) brown rice is boiling in 2 cups water, not salt. Divided on 3 parts. During the day to drink 2 l water.
Breakfast: 75 g yogurt, which should be mixed with half an apple. As the mixture is added 1 / 3 of the prepared rice.
Lunch: 1 slice of burnt black bread
Lunch: salad of 100 g cucumbers with a little lemon juice and olive oil, 1 / 3 of the prepared rice and 30 g ham.
Sledobedna breakfast: 1 filiyka burnt black bread
Dinner: 1 egg omelet, rice and other spices but no salt.

Third day
Basic food - melon. If you do not like it, can be replaced with apples or citrus fruits. Many drink mineral water.
Breakfast: 1 cup of coffee or tea, 1 slice of black bread, thinly coated with margarine, 50 g cheese, 1 slice cantaloupe.
Lunch: two pieces of cantaloupe
Lunch: 70 g ham or pork loin, 50 g cucumbers with lemon juice, 2 slices of cantaloupe.
Sledobedna breakfast: 2 large slices of cantaloupe
Dinner: 2 tomato salad with a little olive oil (without salt), 70 g cheese, 1 piece of pepper.

Fourth day
Basic food - yogurt. Drink is 2-3 liter mineral water and tea.
Breakfast: in 1 cup of yogurt to put the chopped 1 banana, plus 1 tablespoon barm.
Lunch: 2 filiyki burnt black bread and 2 tomato, 1 cup of yogurt, 1 cup of herbal tea.
Sledobedna breakfast: 200 g yogurt
Dinner: salad of 150 g peppers and cucumbers 200 g, 100 g of grilled pork tenderloin, 200 g yogurt.

Biococtail diet for 3 days

Weight Loss
Biococtail represents a specific diet of fresh squeezed vegetable and fruit juices combined with the complete plant products. Activate the metabolism, removes toxins from the body and peace nervous system. This three-day dietary complex promises loss of half or more kilograms per day without detriment to health. It is advisable to apply every week or every other week (depending on the extent of spread). In the remaining days can eat normally (without excess), as must not forget about physical activity. It is important to drink at least 2 liters of liquids a day - mineral water and herbal teas. To avoid alcohol, cigarettes, coffee and black tea. Biococtail itself is prepared from 4 tablespoons juice of raw potatoes, 2 tablespoons juice of the nettle (may or celery cabbage) and 2 tablespoons juice of red beet. Drinks are morning and evening immediately after preparation.
And lo and the three-day diet menu:

1 day
Breakfast: 1 cut into small dice mango is 150 g Mix yogurt and 25 g nuts: 1 thin slice of bread, 100 g cheese, 1 tomato, 150 g fresh fruit according to season.
Lunch: 100 g fresh squeezed juice from carrots with a few drops of oil for better utilization of provitamin A (beta-carotene).
Lunch: 125 g spaghetti with tomato sauce, 100 g salad of lettuce, 2 tomatoes and 1 / 2 pepper.
Third breakfast: 1 / 4 fresh pineapple (or 150 g of Pineapple fruit compote).
Dinner: 1 / 2 cucumber - cut in length, carved paste and filled with 100 g cheese 2 slices of bread.

2 days
Breakfast: 2 slices of bread , 100 g cottage cheese, 1 tomato, 1 apple and 1 fruit according to season.
Lunch: 1 / 4 fresh pineapple (respectively 150 g of Pineapple fruit compote).
Lunch: pastra salad of 250 g seasonal vegetables (pepper, cucumber, tomato, cabbage, onions), seasoned with lemon, a few drops of olive oil and salt, 125 g cooked spaghetti, overflows with 1 egg, broken down by 3 tablespoons fresh milk, salt and 1 tea spoon oil and seal of the oven.
Third breakfast: 100 g carrot juice a few drops of oil.
Dinner: 2 slices of bread with tomato puree, sprinkle with oregano and 50 g cheese, 250 g pastra salad of seasonal vegetables.

3 days
Breakfast: 1 apple shredded, jumbled with 125 g nuts and 150 g yoghurt: 1 slice of bread, thinly coated with margarine and sprinkled with finely cut pepper.
Lunch: 100 g carrot juice a few drops of cream.
Lunch: 1 egg omelette with salad garnish 100 g of seasonal vegetables.
Third breakfast: 1 / 4 fresh pineapple (150 g of fruit compote)
Dinner: 200 g cube cooked potatoes with gravy fields of 60 g curd and 2-3 tablespoons fresh milk, pinch of salt, garnish with 2 fresh tomatoes or 150 g slaw.

Milk Diet for 5 days

Milk Diet Girl
On the first day of milk diet you need to drink in a cup milk containing 3.6% every 2 hours from 8 to 20 o'clock. Energy value of this diet is 870 kcal. per day. The next day you have to drink 1 cup of milk every hour and a half on the third day - 1 cup every hour.
Consuming more than 2 liters of milk will have to reduce its fat content of 2 percent. Should not become slothful intestines, create their work - 10-12 prunes a day, but change another glass of milk with fruit juice. Milk must be drinking too slowly and best in straw. If your body readily accepts such quantity of milk without the stomach problems and an acute sense of hunger - can proceed with diet and the next day.
On the fourth day is recommended that trials of a glass of milk every half hour.
Switching from dietary to the usual meal diet should be as follows. Drink milk to 15 hours, then do not eat anything up to 19 hours, then you prepare a light vegetable salad. Do the same on the second day and third day - you can now afford simple breakfast - lunch - dinner.
The value of this diet is that person takes all the milk of life minerals, vitamins, protein, fat and carbohydrates. In this famine will not torture you. Remember that in each landing diet can boldly include milk in the diet - better to be low fat.
All milk, whether high, low fat or skimmed, contains the same amount of calcium and essential nutrients. The difference is only in fat and calories quantity.

Winter Citrus Diet

Citrus fruits
Citrus fruit known that melted fat body and loaded with vitamin C. vital to the diet based on their promises weigh about 3 kg for 5 days.

Daily menu:
Each morning after getting up from sleep is drinks juice of 1 lemon, diluted with 150 ml mineral water.
Breakfast: 1 slice bread, coated with curd: 1 cup juice from citrus fruit optional, 1 cup yogurt 3 tablespoons myusli and juice of half a lemon.
Afternoon breakfast: 1 cup yogurt with the juice of half a lemon.

Menu for each 5-days of diet:
1 day
Lunch: 1 egg, overflows with sauce 1 cup of yogurt and half garlic, the chopped, parsley and pepper.
Dinner: 60 g pasta, sauce 200 g stew mushrooms in vegetable broth, seasoned with soy sauce and pepper.

2 days
Lunch: 300 g vegetable stew in carrot broth, seasoned with 2 spoonful of lemon juice, 1 teaspoon oil, 1 the chopped onion and soy sauce. For garnish: 60 g boiled rice.
Dinner: coleslaw, chicken ham, milk tampered with mayonnaise, lemon juice and black pepper. For dessert - 1 orange.

3 days
Lunch: 120 g pork loin, seal Grilled or skillet, seasoned with lemon juice, pepper and salt. Trim to 150 g of potatoes cooked in vegetable broth and sprinkle with mint.
Dinner: 100 g of potatoes and 1 onion, stew in 2 spoonfuls of oil. In the same oil is strangle and 300 g chicken fillets without skin. When softens, vegetables and add 1 tablespoon lemon juice, pepper, parsley and salt.

4 days
Lunch: 1 large potato, boiled or confined be cut in the middle and sauce 1 tablespoon cream, 1 tablespoon yogurt, black pepper and finely cut onion and garlic. Portion is supplemented with 2 pieces of leeks under wrap 2 slices of smoked fish fillet.
Dinner: 1 lettuce salad, 60 g 6-7 cheese and marinated fish. Salad is podpravya 1 pm l. oil and 1 tablespoon lemon juice of 1 baken slice of bread, coated with curd.

5 days
Lunch: 40 g pasta, sauce 100 g stew pork loin, 2 tablespoons cream, 1 tablespoon lemon juice, pepper and basil.
Dinner: salad of 150 g boiled potatoes, 5-6 black olives, 1 onion. Also we can add 1 tablespoon lemon juice, 1 ch.l. olive oil, black pepper and salt: 1 slice bread.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Cabbage diet - healthy and tasty

The cabbage vegetables is undoubtedly one of autumn and winter. Source has all the necessary nutrients - proteins, vitamins, carbohydrates, phosphorous, mineral salts, calcium. A dietary its properties are well knock. Healthy too. Helps with diseases of the liver, disorders of the nervous system and prevent cancer. White cabbage is the most consumed in Bulgaria but otherwise there are over 100 types - red, Belgian, Chinese, Savoy, broccoli, cauliflower, etc. Each species has a different taste and useful properties. Green is extremely rich in vitamin C. Even more than oranges. But to be consumed in the moment, because after 3 o'clock 40 percent of vitamin C is lost, and then one day completely evaporates. Green is the food of love. But sauerkraut is a vitaminozna bomb because it contains:

V12 - helps to fill the cells with oxygen and helps mental work. A vitamin for sportuvashtite.
Q6 - helps the body to assimilate protein. Not accidentally goes in sets of meat.
C3 - load cells with energy.
In (nicotinic acid) - makes the hair bright and healthy nails.
B1 - helps in stress and insomnia.
C2 - imparts a healthy form of skin maintain a youthful body.
K - strengthens the walls of the vessels.
U - helps in the treatment of gastritis.
A - useful for vision, from heart disease.

Cabbage diet
Green fills the stomach and not feel hunger. In addition helps in burning fat. Meat in the diet should not be salt. To drink at least 2 liters of water daily.
Breakfast: coffee or tea without sugar.
Lunch: sliced cabbage with a spoonful of olive oil or zeleva soup. After two days of lunch can eat one egg.
Dinner: Optional - 200 g fish, 200 g yogurt or 200 g lean meat.
The duration of the diet depends on the results. But her follow at least three days. Cabbage can eat between meal unlimited.

The tea helps for losing weight

Scientists from the Institute of Pediatrics in Nantszin showed that the team helps for losing weight, reported Reuters, referring to publication in the China Daily. Experts for five years studied obesity as their attention was directed towards the problem of extra kilograms of children. The Scientists found polifenolite in tea, especially in tea Ulun, helping to weaken. The Chinese have long believed that the tea help in the fight against extra kilograms since continued its consumption contributes to improve metabolism and degradation of fat

With Eggs diet you will lose up to 3 kg for 3 days

egg dietWhen you want to loss weight you must trust some of the documented diets. I found this egg diet, which is based to carbohydrates and limited use of fat. Diet itself acting on standstill cathartic fats in the body helps a lot. Can be downloaded no more than 3-4 pounds. It is not recommended for people suffering from biliary and renal diseases. Diet provides the consumption of fruit, it is advisable to eat oklo hour before the main meal. You can highlight and some protein drinks or fruit salads elenchukovi.

First day
Breakfast: 2 hard boiled eggs, coffee without sugar, mineral water
Lunch: 3 hard boiled eggs, salad seasonally 2-3 Desalinated olives
Dinner: 2 hard boiled eggs, rich salad seasonally 2-3 Desalinated olives, optional 1 cup white wine, 1 cup fresh squeezed juice (apple, carrot, orange)

Second day
Breakfast: 2 hard boiled eggs, coffee without sugar, mineral water
Lunch: 3 hard boiled eggs, salad seasonally 2-3 Desalinated olives
Dinner: 150 g light beef or veal roast meat, salad, 1 cup white wine, 1 cup fresh squeezed juice

Third day
Breakfast: 2 hard boiled eggs, coffee without sugar, mineral water
Lunch: 3 hard boiled eggs, salad seasonally
Dinner: 200 g netlasto beef or fish, salad, 1 cup white wine, 1 cup of tea

Winter light healthy diet

Autumn and winter are seasons in which one needs more strength and energy. Then experiencing a need to eat more and more frequently since the organism troupe stocks. Thus, however, often accumulating unnecessary weight. Compliance with the diets in these two seasons could be because lead to a weakening of the body's defense mechanism. Therefore, most nutritionists advise in the autumn and winter can only be landed diets that are short. Here's one, estimated only 4 days:

First day
Breakfast: 1 orange, 2 hard boiled eggs, 1 cup of black coffee
Lunch: 8 prunes, soaking in water
Dinner: 1 egg, 1 orange

Second day
Breakfast: 1 cup of coffee, skim cheese slice
Lunch: 1 egg, 1 orange
Dinner: 1 pear, 1 cup milk

Third day
Breakfast: 1-2 cups of tea
Lunch: 1 tomato, 1 cucumber, slice cheese
Dinner: 1 cup milk

Fourth day
Breakfast: mysley with the juice or milk
Lunch: 1 cucumber, 1 tomato
Dinner: 2 oranges.