Monday, October 6, 2014
Probiotics are a class of so-called. good bacteria that help the human body in digestion. Lifestyle and environment can reduce the presence of good bacteria and thereby create conditions for various diseases. Therefore, helping the body with probiotics restores the normal level of good bacteria and improves resistance. In the human digestive system has over 1 trillion bacteria of over 100 different species. In normal and good and pathogens are in relative balance, but infections, stress, antibiotics, alcohol, poor diet, etc.. can alter this balance and decrease the amount of good bacteria at the expense of the poor. Some of the symptoms of this is the occurrence of gas, constipation or diarrhea. If this imbalance is not treated, the symptoms can become chronic, seriously impair the immune system and lead to serious illnesses. The lacto-bacterias are just one of many types of good bacteria. They have a proven role in the breakdown of proteins, carbohydrates and fats in the diet and helps the absorption of many minerals, amino acids and vitamins needed by the body. Probiotics containing lacto-bacterias, help the existence of the necessary balance in the body. All modern studies show that timely measures to safeguard the health not only have strong health, but also economic effect - healing the patient is much more expensive than supporting healthy to remain so.
Probiotics containing lacto-bacterias and bifidobacteria, in various forms have been used for centuries before lacto-bacterias to be isolated from the father of modern microbiology Louis Pasteur (1845-95), the Russian physiologist and founder of immunology and Ilya Mechnikov (1845-1916) to define the mode of action of probiotics in his theory of intoxication, for which he received the Nobel Prize. It shows that the main cause of aging are called. toxins and acceptance of foods containing lacto-bacterias (such as milk), slows the process.
Today probiotics proven to have significant health because:
- Improving the immune system;
- Have an antimicrobial effect in the fight against pathogens in the digestive system;
- Supporting the treatment of diarrhea - in young children or that caused by stress or antibiotic treatment;
- Important for reducing bad cholesterol and contribute to the prevention of osteoporosis and diabetes;
- Assist the body in the absorption of vitamins, minerals and amino acids;
- Contribute to the cleansing of the blood of toxins.
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