Saturday, March 29, 2008

Eat apples only after dish

Red Apple
Many people claim that apple is one of the best foods that you may eat. Thai is absolutely right, but do not overdo it. The apple is healthy and good food for your dessert, or even for something like afternoon breakfast, but apple is not good for morning breakfast. You will ask why?
Easy, the apple contains a lot of acids inside, which is noit good for morning breakfast. Much better is to eat one bisquit, or one baked bread, than one apple. Yes, the apple contains more vitamins, but acids are making your stomach, to relieve more stomach saps, which will make you feel more hungry. But that is the less dangerous thing that apple may do to you. Other think is that may make you feel bad, or to destroy the surface of your stomach. This may lead yo to ulcer, later, or if you have such illness, to activate it.
So be carefull with fruits that contain acids inside. They may be a lot of useful for you, but also can break your health and your stomach. Be carefull with these fruits.